Telehealth Training

Remote Clinical

This training stream is for remote-end clinicians and other health professionals providing medical, health and wellbeing services to the residential aged sector, practicing offsite. This includes not just GPs, but also medical specialists and allied health professionals like counsellors, dietitians and physiotherapists.

The microlearning is tailored to the needs of this audience by focusing not only on the practical aspects of telehealth, but also on the models of care most typically associated with aged care residents like wound care and geriatrics.

The training comprises a series of 30 online learning modules, around 6-10 minutes long, grouped into 6 themes as follows:


  • The benefits of telehealth
  • The importance of telehealth in residential aged care
  • Telehealth training program overview and learning pathway (remote)


  • Setting up a room for telehealth (remote)
  • Telehealth equipment options (remote)
  • Telehealth software options (remote)
  • Optimising connectivity (remote)
  • Using monitoring devices in telehealth (remote)

Logistics and support

  • Instigating a telehealth consultation (remote)
  • Scheduling telehealth consultations (remote)
  • Supporting telehealth residents (remote)
  • Supporting resident’s family and carers (remote)
  • Medico-legal considerations (remote) 
  • Data security requirements (remote)
  • MBS and telehealth (remote)

Best practice

  • Telehealth etiquette (remote)
  • Engaging families and carers (remote)
  • Remote engagement with interpreter services
  • Telehealth for vision and hearing impaired residents (delivered remotely)
  • Telehealth for persons living with dementia (delivered remotely)

Models of telehealth care

  • End-of-life care (delivered remotely)
  • Wound care (delivered remotely)
  • Case conferencing (delivered remotely)
  • Emergency care (delivered remotely)
  • Geriatric consultation (delivered remotely)
  • Psychiatric consultation (delivered remotely)
  • Allied health consultations (delivered remotely)


  • Hardware troubleshooting (remote)
  • Software troubleshooting (remote)
  • Scheduling challenges (remote)

How to

Access and implement the microlearning modules on your LMS

Register to request access to the modules.

Your application will be reviewed and if eligible, access details will be sent by email.

Select your stream to view the relevant module catalogue.

The modules are divided into two training streams: Residential aged care and Remote clinical.

Open a module to preview it.

When you select a module from the catalogue you will be able to see how it works, preview the content and make sure it's right for your team.

Download the module for uploading to your LMS.

Individual modules can be downloaded as a ZIP file containing a SCORM package that you can upload to your LMS. You can also download the entire catalogue in a single ZIP file with one click.

In the Industry

What people are saying about Telehealth

“It is amazing these days that you can receive these medical treatments without leaving your room. I am excited to see it up and running for my mum! ”

- Sue Skinner, Family

"Telehealth has given our staff the support to connect with a clinician. We are able to escalate clinical concerns which provides early intervention and avoids unnecessary hospital transfers. We have used telehealth for wound reviews, infection management and end-of-life care. I believe this has provided our residents with choice, dignity and respect.”

- Trudy Hetherington, Care Manager

“It will allow our GPs to operate a more flexible model of care and make case conferencing with family members so much easier.”

- Melinda Benson, General Manager

Access is FREE

This training is now available free of charge, to all Commonwealth funded residential aged care homes and remote clinical providers consulting residents, Australia wide.