Terms and Conditions




1.             PURPOSE & APPLICATION

1.1.            WVPHN makes available training resources as part of the Aged Care Telehealth Training Program (Program) via an online microsite for residential aged care homes (which may include visiting clinicians) or clinicians providing remote-end consultations.

1.2.            WVPHN grants the User access to the Microsite in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

1.3.            Each User's right to access and use the Microsite is subject to and conditional upon the User agreeing to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

1.4.            The User acknowledges and agrees that the User's rights to use and access the Microsite is subject to and conditional upon the User having the right to access the Microsite in accordance with the terms of these Terms and Conditions. If at any time the User's rights are suspended or terminated the User's right to access or use the Microsite shall also be suspended or terminated.

1.5.            The User and WVPHN acknowledge that the purpose of the Microsite is to provide training and as such WVPHN will permit Users providing services in or to aged care facilities to provide the Training Modules or access to the Microsite to all Learners.

2.             ACCESS TO MICROSITE

2.1.            Access

The User acknowledges and agrees that the right to access and use of the Microsite and any Documentation is only for the purpose of accessing training as part of the Program.

2.2.            Accounts

The User must:

2.2.1.            keep its username and password secure and confidential and does not share its username and password with third parties including other users;

2.2.2.            immediately notify WVPHN if there is a breach of security or any unauthorised access to the Account;

2.2.3.            immediately verify the identity of the Account information upon request by WVPHN;

2.2.4.            keep all information provided in the registration process for the Account current including payment details, email addresses, usernames and passwords; and

2.2.5.            not use false or misleading information when registering the Account or using the Microsite.

2.3.            Access Obligations

If the User has been authorised to provide the Training Modules to Learners, the following will apply:

2.3.1.            the User must always provide access to all Learners free of charge;

2.3.2.            the User warrants that all Learners have agreed to these Terms and Conditions and any action or omission by any Learner will not preclude the User from any liability under these Terms and Conditions; and

2.3.3.            the User must provide utilisation and completion data to WVPHN related to the Training Modules and use of the Microsite on a regular basis as directed by WVPHN but not less frequently than quarterly. This data will include, but is not limited to, the number of (de-identified) users, demographic details of users, progress reports and completion rates.

2.3.4.            If the User is providing training to GPs, the User must provide WVPHN with the learner's name, continuing professional development identification number, date of completion and the completed evaluation form for each completed learning set within three months.

2.4.            Protection from Damage or Unauthorised Use

The User must ensure that reasonable steps are taken to protect the WVPHN IP at all times from misuse, damage or destruction or any form of unauthorised use or access.

2.5.            Suspend Access to the Microsite

WVPHN may immediately and temporarily suspend access to the Microsite, and use of the Microsite, Documentation and other WVPHN IP if WVPHN forms the reasonable view that the User is in breach of these Terms and Conditions.

3.             USER OBLIGATIONS

3.1.            User Obligations

The User must:

3.1.1.            act in compliance with all laws, regulations, and codes of conduct and any instructions, directions, requirements and requests made by any statutory, governmental, industry or regulatory body and act in accordance with the highest standards of ethics and business practice;

3.1.2.            provide WVPHN with all assistance necessary to resolve any issues, including providing any documented examples of any Defect which may assist WVPHN to resolve the Defect;

3.1.3.            not engage third parties to provide any services in relation to the Microsite without prior written consent of WVPHN;

3.1.4.            only use the Microsite in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and any Documentation;

3.1.5.            not, subject to these Terms and Conditions, use, adapt, modify, alter, copy, reproduce, reverse engineer, disassemble, merge, decode in any way or decompile in whole or any part of the Microsite, training materials or the WVPHN IP, by any means;

3.1.6.            not do anything which attempts to disrupt the integrity or performance of the Microsite including send or store any viruses, worms, time bombs or any other harmful or malicious code, files, scripts, agents or programs to the Microsite;

3.1.7.            not threaten, institute, invalidate, challenge or put in dispute the ownership, use or title of the Microsite, training materials or the WVPHN IP anywhere in the world;

3.1.8.            not infringe the WVPHN IP;

3.1.9.            not at any time, act in a manner which prejudices the goodwill or reputation of WVPHN or any Intellectual Property Rights of WVPHN;

3.1.10.         not remove any copyright or proprietary notice from any Training Module without the express written agreement of WVPHN;

3.1.11.         not register or use a business, company or association (whether incorporated or not) name, domain name, social media account or trade mark which is identical, substantially identical with or deceptively similar to, capable of being confused with or contains WVPHN trade marks anywhere in the world without the express written agreement of WVPHN;

3.1.12.         not pass off the Training Modules to any one as created by someone other than WVPHN;

3.1.13.         must comply with any directions of WVPHN or its authorised representative in relation to the Microsite;

3.1.14.         ensure the Microsite is not used for re-sale or commercial or other distribution to third parties;

3.1.15.         ensure that it has the required permission to use all Training Modules uploaded to the Microsite; and

3.1.16.         not assist, support or encourage any person to do any of the things contained in this clause 3.


4.1.            Ownership and User Warranties

The User acknowledges, agrees and warrants that:

4.1.1.            it does not obtain any ownership rights in the Microsite or the WVPHN IP; and

4.1.2.            it does not obtain any ownership rights in any third party software integrated in the Microsite.

4.2.            Improvements to the Microsite

4.2.1.            Any Improvement to the Microsite, regardless of the author or developer, shall be the property of WVPHN and WVPHN shall have the sole exclusive right to seek, obtain and/or maintain Intellectual Property Rights protection in respect of such Improvements at its complete discretion notwithstanding that the User may have contributed to the development of those Improvements including any suggestions, enhancement requests, recommendations or feedback provided by the User.

4.2.2.            The User assigns to WVPHN all of its right, title and interest in and to any Improvements made to the Microsite and/or the WVPHN IP, any Intellectual Property Rights created or developed as a result of the User's use of the Microsite or WVPHN IP and the User agrees and undertakes to sign any documents and provide every assistance to transfer the same.

4.2.3.            For the purposes of this clause 4.2, Users will, within a reasonable period of time, inform WVPHN of any and all Improvements.

4.2.4.            The User acknowledges that the rights assigned to WVPHN in clause 4.2.2 may be assigned by WVPHN to a third party.

4.2.5.            These Terms and Conditions shall apply to any Improvement as modified or altered.

4.3.            Infringements

The User must take reasonable care to detect any actual, threatened, suspected or anticipated infringement of the Microsite or any other unauthorised use of the WVPHN IP (Infringement).

4.4.            Notification of Infringement

If the User becomes aware of an Infringement, the User must:

4.4.1.            immediately notify WVPHN;

4.4.2.            not take any steps including initiating or responding to an Infringement without the prior written consent of WVPHN which may be withheld in its absolute discretion; and

4.4.3.            do everything WVPHN reasonably requires to assist it in relation to that action.


5.1.            Obligation Not to Disclose Confidential Information

Each Party agrees to maintain the confidential nature of the other Party's Confidential Information and must not, without the prior written consent of the other Party, disclose or otherwise provide any Confidential Information of the other Party to any person other than its Affiliates who have a need to know for carrying out its obligations under these Terms and Conditions and who have agreed to keep the Confidential Information confidential and are bound by the same confidentiality obligations as set out in this clause 5 in a written agreement.

5.2.            Obligation to Implement Reasonable Security Measures

Each Party must:

5.2.1.            at least use the same efforts to protect the other Party's Confidential Information as it uses to protect its own proprietary information; and

5.2.2.            implement reasonable security measures to safeguard the other Party's Confidential Information from unauthorised use or copying.

5.3.            Obligation to Prevent Significant Loss or Damage

The User acknowledges and agrees that the disclosure of WVPHN's Confidential Information to any person or entity could diminish its value and cause significant loss or damage to WVPHN and the User is obliged to minimise any such loss or damage.

5.4.            Duration of Obligations

The obligations in this clause 5 survive termination of these Terms and Conditions.

6.             PRIVACY

6.1.            WVPHN will take all reasonable steps to protect data uploaded to the Microsite by the User including implement practices, procedures and systems to ensure compliance with the Australian Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act.

7.             WARRANTIES

7.1.            User Warranties

The User warrants that:

7.1.1.            it will comply with all of the User's obligations under these Terms and Conditions;

7.1.2.            any statement, representation, warranty, undertaking or other provision not expressly set out in these Terms and Conditions has not been relied upon and shall have no force or effect;

7.1.3.            it has the power and authority to execute and exchange these Terms and Conditions and to perform and observe all of its terms; and

7.1.4.            it is solely responsible for its use of the Microsite and any data generated from the Microsite.

7.2.            Exclusion of Further Warranties

Apart from the warranties contained in these Terms and Conditions and any applicable state or federal law that cannot be excluded, all other warranties, express or implied, and whether arising by virtue of statute or otherwise, are hereby excluded.

7.3.            Independent Warranties

Each warranty in this clause 7 is to be construed independently and is not limited by reference to or interference from any other warranty or provision of these Terms and Conditions.

7.4.            Survival of Warranties

This clause and the warranties shall survive any termination or the expiration of these Terms and Conditions.


8.1.            User Indemnity

Subject to the terms of these Terms and Conditions, the User will indemnify, hold harmless and at all times hold WVPHN fully and effectively indemnified against any losses, costs, actions, claims, demands, expenses, judgments, court orders or other liabilities arising directly out of or in connection with:

8.1.1.            any breach by the User of any of its representations, obligations, warranties or undertakings contained in these Terms and Conditions; and

8.1.2.            an infringement by the User of the WVPHN IP including in respect of the Microsite.

8.2.            General Indemnity Obligations

8.2.1.            Except for clause 8.1.2, neither Party will be liable to the other for any consequential or indirect loss or damage of any kind arising directly, indirectly, as a consequence of, or in connection with, these Terms and Conditions.'

8.2.2.            Each indemnity in these Terms and Conditions is a continuing obligation, separate and independent from the other obligations of the Parties and survives termination or expiration of these Terms and Conditions.

8.2.3.            It is not necessary for a Party to incur expense or to make any payment before enforcing a right of indemnity conferred by these Terms and Conditions.

8.2.4.            All such payments shall be made gross (which would include GST, if applicable), without deduction or withholding of any kind (other than any deduction or withholding required by law) upon demand by the indemnified person.

8.2.5.            The extent of indemnity liability of each Party under this clause 8 is reduced in direct proportion to its contribution to the loss.

8.2.6.            Each Party is liable for its own actions performed under these Terms and Conditions regardless of whether it is performed for or on behalf of another Party.

9.             TERMINATION

9.1.            Termination for Convenience

WVPHN may terminate these Terms and Conditions for any reason and with immediate effect on 7 days written notice to the User.

9.2.            Termination for Breach

WVPHN may terminate these Terms and Conditions by giving written notice to the User with immediate effect if the User breaches any provision of these Terms and Conditions and fails to remedy the breach within 7 days after receiving a notice requiring it to do so.

9.3.            Consequence of Termination

Where these Terms and Conditions are terminated by WVPHN under this clause 9, the following applies:

9.3.1.            the User must immediately stop all use of the WVPHN IP including the Microsite;

9.3.2.            the User must immediately stop all use of any Confidential Information that may have been made available by WVPHN under these Terms and Conditions;

9.3.3.            at the request of WVPHN, the User must deliver to WVPHN all documents, materials and all copies (whatever their form) in the User's possession which relate to WVPHN IP and/or the Confidential Information of WVPHN or at the discretion of WVPHN delete or destroy the same;

9.3.4.            the User must comply with any instructions provided by WVPHN in relation to the end of these Terms and Conditions; and

9.3.5.            the Parties are immediately released from their obligations under these Terms and Conditions except those obligations in clauses 4 (Intellectual Property), 5 (Confidential Information), 7 (Warranties), 8 (Indemnity and Liability) and this clause 9.3, and any other obligations that, by their nature, survive termination.

10.          MISCELLANEOUS

10.1.         Costs on default

Any Party who defaults in the performance of any obligations under these Terms and Conditions will pay to the other Party who exercises or attempts to exercise any right power authority or remedy conferred on that Party under or by virtue of these Terms and Conditions or otherwise the fair and reasonable costs of doing so, whether or not any proceedings in any court or tribunal are taken to protect any such right power authority or remedy.

10.2.          Waiver

No waiver by any Party of any default in the strict and literal performance of or compliance with any provision condition or requirement in these Terms and Conditions will be deemed to be a waiver of strict and literal performance of and compliance with any other provision, condition or requirement of these Terms and Conditions nor to be a waiver of or in any way release any Party from compliance with any provision condition or requirement in the future nor will any delay or omission of any Party to exercise any right under these Terms and Conditions in any manner impair the exercise of such right accruing to it thereafter.

10.3.          Jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions will be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of the State of Victoria and each of the Parties hereby submits to the jurisdiction of the Courts of the State of Victoria.

10.4.          Variation

WVPHN reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time in its sole discretion and any such changes will, unless otherwise noted, be effective immediately. Continued use of the Microsite after such changes have been notified to the User will constitute acceptance by the User of those changes.

10.5.         Entire Agreement

These Terms and Conditions constitute the sole and entire agreement between the Parties and no warranties, representations, guarantees or other terms or conditions of any nature not contained and recorded therein will be of any force or effect.

10.6.         Severance

Part or all of any clause of these Terms and Conditions that is unenforceable or illegal will be severed from these Terms and Conditions and will not affect the enforceability of the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions.

10.7.         Assignment

WVPHN may assign or permit a third party to obtain the benefit of its rights and interest under these Terms and Conditions without the prior written consent of the User. The User must not assign or permit a third party to obtain the benefit of its rights under these Terms and Conditions except with the prior written consent of WVPHN.

10.8.          Notices

WVPHN may provide any notification for the purposes of these Terms and Conditions by email and/or by posting the notification on the Microsite.


11.1.         In these Terms and Conditions the words in this clause 11.1 will have the following meanings unless the context otherwise requires:

11.1.1.         Account means the online account that grants the User access to the Microsite and the Training Modules requiring registration using a user name and password;

11.1.2.         Confidential Information means any information and materials, in any form and including information relating to Intellectual Property Rights, which comes into the possession of either Party which belongs to or relates to or is about the other Party pursuant to or as a result of or in performance of these Terms and Conditions, and commercially valuable information of a Party which a Party regards as confidential to it, which is evident by its nature to be confidential or is identified as being confidential, including without limitation, data, know how, drawings, designs, inventions, techniques, processes, analysis, strategies, research and development data, production know how and in the case of WVPHN, includes the Microsite and the WVPHN IP, but excluding information:           which at the time of its first disclosure or observation under these Terms and Conditions was in the public domain;           which, after disclosure or observation under these Terms and Conditions, comes into the public domain otherwise than by disclosure in breach of these Terms and Conditions;           which is received by that Party from a third party who has the right to provide the information;           which was already in the possession or knowledge of that Party without restriction prior to its disclosure or observation; or           which that Party is required by law to disclose;

11.1.3.         Defect means an error in the coding of the Microsite or Documentation or part thereof that affects the inherent operation or functionality of the Microsite; Defective is to be similarly construed;

11.1.4.         Documentation means any operating manuals and any other materials in any form or medium including users' manuals, flow charts, drawings, configuration guides and software listings, which are designed to assist or supplement the understanding or application of the Microsite or that specifies the functionality and is provided to the User by WVPHN;

11.1.5.         Improvements mean any development, enhancement or modification of the WVPHN IP or any part thereof, including without limitation the Microsite's design or functionality that may make the Microsite more effective, useful or suitable or would in any other way render the Microsite and/or the WVPHN IP more preferable in commerce including new releases, upgrades and updates to the Microsite;

11.1.6.         Intellectual Property Rights means all rights resulting from intellectual activity whether capable of protection by statute, common law or in equity and including copyright, discoveries, inventions, patent rights, registered and unregistered trade marks, design rights, circuit layouts, plant varieties and all rights and interests of a like nature including but not limited to methods and techniques, together with any documentation relating to such rights and interests;

11.1.7.         Leaner means any person to which a User, with the required permissions from WVPHN, provides access to the Microsite or Training Modules;

11.1.8.         Microsite means the online microsite made available by WVPHN and its affiliates consisting of software applications and modules configured for Users that facilitates the provision of training by WVPHN, including 'all Intellectual Property Rights subsisting in the Microsite, any Documentation and any Improvements to the Microsite and/or any Documentation, other than any User Data uploaded into the Microsite;

11.1.9.         Moral Right means a right of attribution of authorship; a right not to have authorship falsely attributed. a right of integrity of authorship and/or a right of a similar nature as defined by the Copyright Act 1968, and which exists or comes to exist anywhere in the world in a deliverable form comprised within these Terms and Conditions;

11.1.10.       Party means WVPHN or the User or both of them as the context dictates;

11.1.11.       Program means the Aged Care Telehealth Training Program;

11.1.12.       User means the individual or organisation authorised to access and use the Microsite under these Terms and Conditions;

11.1.13.       Terms and Conditions means these terms and conditions of use of the Microsite and/or WVPHN IP in force and uploaded by WVPHN to the Microsite from time to time;

11.1.14.       Training Modules means the training modules that Users can access through the Microsite;

11.1.15.       WVPHN means Western Victoria Primary Health Network Limited ABN 87 061 300 918; and

11.1.16.       WVPHN IP means Intellectual Property Rights owned by or licensed to WVPHN and subsisting in the Microsite and used or intended to be used in connection with the Microsite, including documents, data, manuals, plans, designs, methods and procedures including:           any Documentation;           training programs and materials; and           any other development, enhancement, or modification any part thereof including its design or functionality that may make the Microsite more effective, useful or suitable or would in any other way render the Microsite more preferable in commerce.

11.2.         In these Terms and Conditions except to the extent that the context otherwise requires:

11.2.1.         words denoting the singular include the plural and vice versa;

11.2.2.         words denoting individuals or persons include bodies corporate and trusts and vice versa;

11.2.3.         reference to a clause, paragraph or schedule is a reference to a clause, paragraph or schedule of these Terms and Conditions;

11.2.4.         reference to a document or agreement includes reference to that document or agreement as changed, novated or replaced from time to time;

11.2.5.         headings are included for convenience only and will not affect the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions or any schedule;

11.2.6.         words denoting any gender includes all genders; and

11.2.7.         where a word or phrase is given a definite meaning in these Terms and Conditions a part of speech or other grammatical form for that word or phrase has a corresponding meaning.